FLUKA simulations of machine-induced background from local beam-gas for HL-LHC
Last updated: 7/4/2014
Assumptions used in simulations:
- machine configuration:
- 7 TeV,
- beta*=15cm, optics version HL-LHC 1.0,
- nominal collimator settings - TCTs at 8.3 sigma
- Layout in the FLUKA model (L. Esposito, A. Lechner, N.V. Shetty et al).:
- TCTs assumed to be located 131.8/133.5 m from the IP
- the assumed TAN aperture used in the FLUKA model (elliptical, with H and V semi-axes of 4.1 cm
and 3.7cm) is not the final one, and the TAN vacuum chambers for both
beams were assumed to be parallel (which will not be the case)
- The concrete shielding blocks (JSCA), which are currently installed
between D1 and TAN, were not included in the simulations since they are
not yet defined
- Interface plane at 22.6m from IP, where all particles are scored
- Beam-gas interactions and pressure profile (pressure profile by G. Bregliozzi and R. Kersevan):
- only beam-gas interactions up to the TAN were considered since the matching section layout was not yet defined
- two different states of machine conditioning were assumed: 1)
start-up, 2) conditioned machine. Separate data files are available for
1) and 2).
- the conditioning assumes a decrease of the electron and photon
desorption yield by a factor 100, as well as a decrease of the electron
flux by a factor 10
- the profile for each machine state is affected by about one
order of magnitude uncertainty due to uncertainties in layout,
effective dimensions and available pumping speeds; the pressure profiles used
in the simulations reflect the most pessimistic assumptions
- the gas pressure profiles do not take into account dynamic
effects encountered during operation (e.g. HOM, thermal heating of
- Normalization:
- for each case, the gas pressure profiles were decomposed
according to their elemental composition (hydrogen, carbon and oxygen
nuclei) and FLUKA simulations of proton-nucleus interactions were run
individually for each nuclei species assuming a flat spatial
distribution along s
- the background for a given machine conditioning state hence
comprises interactions on all three elemental constituents (i.e. all
three constituents need to be taken into account in follow-up
- the actual gas density variation along the s-coordinate was
incorporated afterwards by adjusting accordingly the weight of a
particle crossing the scoring plane (column number 4)
- apart from reflecting the density variation, the weighting
factors are normalized wrt the interaction probability for the
respective nuclei species in the entire s-range considered and they are
expressed to be per proton bunch per second (assuming a bunch intensity
of 2.2E11 protons)
- all secondary particles contained in a file, which have the
same event number (column 1), originate from the *same* beam-gas
interaction and hence they have to be loaded together
- results of beam-gas simulations are contained in separate files each corresponding to 2000 beam-gas interactions
- Cutoff at 20 MeV
Data files with particles entering the interface plane:
- IR1 B2, startup machine. Simulation done by N. Shetty and A. Lechner
- Data file of particles at the interface plane for machine startup (454000 inelastic beam-gas interactions), carbon
- Data file of particles at the interface plane for machine startup (412000 inelastic beam-gas interactions), oxygen
- Data file of particles at the interface plane for machine startup (476000 inelastic beam-gas interactions), hydrogen
- IR1 B2, conditioned machine. Simulation done by N. Shetty and A. Lechner
- Data file of particles at the interface plane for conditioned machine (454000 inelastic beam-gas interactions), carbon
- Data file of particles at the interface plane for conditioned machine (412000 inelastic beam-gas interactions), oxygen
- Data file of particles at the interface plane for conditioned machine (476000 inelastic beam-gas interactions), hydrogen
- IR5 B2, startup machine. Simulation done by N. Shetty and A. Lechner (*)
- Data file of particles at the interface plane for machine startup (224000 inelastic beam-gas interactions), carbon
- Data file of particles at the interface plane for machine startup (224000 inelastic beam-gas interactions), oxygen
- Data file of particles at the interface plane for machine startup (202000 inelastic beam-gas interactions), hydrogen
- IR5 B2, conditioned machine. Simulation done by N. Shetty and A. Lechner (*)
- Data file of particles at the interface plane for conditioned machine (224000 inelastic beam-gas interactions), carbon
- Data file of particles at the interface plane for conditioned machine (224000 inelastic beam-gas interactions), oxygen
- Data file of particles at the interface plane for conditioned machine (202000 inelastic beam-gas interactions), hydrogen
(*) IR5 files updated in July 2014 to correct geometry error (in addition, beam screen was changed to early 2014 version)
Data columns in the files:
- primary event number
- FLUKA particle type ID
- particle generation number
- Stastical weight
- x (cm)
- y (cm)
- directional cosine w.r.t X-axis
- directional cosine w.r.t Y-axis
- Total energy (GeV)
- Kinetic energy (GeV)
- particle age since primary event (sec)
- x coordinate of initial inelastic proton interaction in TCT or on beam-gas (cm)
- y coordinate of initial inelastic proton interaction in TCT or on beam-gas (cm)
- z coordinate of initial inelastic proton interaction in TCT or on beam-gas (cm)