FLUKA simulations of machine-induced background from beam-halo for HL-LHC

Last updated: 4/4/2014

Assumptions used in simulations:

Data files with particles entering the interface plane:

(*) IR5 files updated in July 2014 to correct geometry error (in addition, beam screen was changed to early 2014 version)

Data columns in the files:
  1. primary event number
  2. FLUKA particle type ID
  3. particle generation number
  4. Stastical weight
  5. x (cm)
  6. y (cm)
  7. directional cosine w.r.t X-axis
  8. directional cosine w.r.t Y-axis
  9. Total energy (GeV)
  10. Kinetic energy (GeV)
  11. particle age since primary event (sec)
  12. x coordinate of initial inelastic proton interaction in TCT or on beam-gas (cm)
  13. y coordinate of initial inelastic proton interaction in TCT or on beam-gas (cm)
  14. z coordinate of initial inelastic proton interaction in TCT or on beam-gas (cm)