FLUKA simulations of tertiary halo in IR1 and IR5 at 7 TeV
starting conditions in both planes produced with SixTrack simulations by T. Weiler
- Machine conditions as in design machine 7 TeV, beta*=0.55m, TCTs at 8.3 sigma
- Cut-off at 20 MeV
- No biasing used
- FLUKA geometry by F. Cerutti, V. Boccone and A. Mereghetti, modified by R. Bruce. Full magnetic field map in the D1.
Data files with particles entering interface plane
- IR5, right side, B2
- SixTrack conversion factor: 2.86747e-4 TCT hits / hit on primary collimator
Data columns in files:
- FLUKA run number (between 1 and 3000)
ID of primary particle (between 1 and 100 in each run)
FLUKA particle type (an explanation of the numbers can be found here)
kinetic energy (GeV)
statistical weight (should be 1 for all particles)
X (cm)
directional cosine w.r.t X-axis
directional cosine w.r.t Y-axis
time (s) since start of primary particle
- total
energy (GeV)
X_start (cm) : starting position of primary particle
Y_start (cm)
Z_start (cm)
t_start (s) : starting time of primary particle where t=0 is at the entrance of the TCTH
Comparing with previous simulations using MARS by N. Mokhov
download histograms of particles entering interface plane