FLUKA simulations of inelastic beam-gas IR1 and IR5, 4 TeV

Data Files
With 20 GeV cutoff, nitrogen.
download particles entering interface plane IR1, (177 840 000 inelastic interactions simulated)

With 20 GeV cutoff, nitrogen, mumu pair production.
download particles entering interface plane IR1, (299 940 000 inelastic interactions simulated)

With 20 MeV cutoff, nitrogen.
download particles entering interface plane IR1, (28 788 000 inelastic interactions simulated)

Data columns in files:
  1. FLUKA run number (between 1 and 3000)
  2. ID of primary particle (between 1 and 60 000 in each run)
  3. FLUKA particle type (an explanation of the numbers can be found here)
  4. kinetic energy (GeV)
  5. statistical weight (should be 1 for all particles)
  6. X (cm)
  7. Y (cm)
  8. directional cosine w.r.t X-axis
  9. directional cosine w.r.t Y-axis
  10. time (s) since start of primary particle
  11. total energy (GeV)
  12. X_start (cm) : starting position of primary particle
  13. Y_start (cm)
  14. Z_start (cm)
  15. t_start (s) : starting time of primary particle where t=0 is at the entrance of the TCTH

plots for IR1 with 20 GeV cutoff, with comparison to old simulation at 3.5 TeV and no crossing angle, flat pressure profile
plots for IR1 with 20 MeV cutoff, with comparison to old simulation at 3.5 TeV and no crossing angle, flat pressure profile