FLUKA simulations in 2016 scenario for pressure bump tests

Data Files with particles entering the interface plane at IR1
Due to their size these files are not directly available from the webpage but on the afs project space.
Data columns in the files:
  1. FLUKA run number
  2. Primary event number
  3. FLUKA particle type ID
  4. Kinetic energy (GeV)
  5. Statistical weight
  6. x (cm)
  7. y (cm)
  8. Directional cosine w.r.t X-axis
  9. Directional cosine w.r.t Y-axis
  10. Particle age since primary event (sec)
  11. Total energy (GeV)
  12. x coordinate of initial inelastic proton interaction in TCT or on beam-gas (cm)
  13. y coordinate of initial inelastic proton interaction in TCT or on beam-gas (cm)
  14. z coordinate of initial inelastic proton interaction in TCT or on beam-gas (cm)